Ghost Cello
50% off during our Triumph Audio 2 Year Anniversary Sale!
Ghost Cello is a powerful, realistic & processed cello library unlike any other. Whether it’s authentic, unique cello passages or processed ghostly pads and fx, this library is calling you. Covering many cinematic genres with ambient, eerie, intimate, horror setting, haunting, and evolving sounds.
For Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
(Kontakt Player not supported)
50% off during our Triumph Audio 2 Year Anniversary Sale!
Ghost Cello is a powerful, realistic & processed cello library unlike any other. Whether it’s authentic, unique cello passages or processed ghostly pads and fx, this library is calling you. Covering many cinematic genres with ambient, eerie, intimate, horror setting, haunting, and evolving sounds.
For Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
(Kontakt Player not supported)
50% off during our Triumph Audio 2 Year Anniversary Sale!
Ghost Cello is a powerful, realistic & processed cello library unlike any other. Whether it’s authentic, unique cello passages or processed ghostly pads and fx, this library is calling you. Covering many cinematic genres with ambient, eerie, intimate, horror setting, haunting, and evolving sounds.
For Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
(Kontakt Player not supported)
• Two main categories: Authentic and Processed. Authentic has some unique takes with some not-so-standard articulations. Featuring an aggressive col legno, quirky fall-off pizz, comedy scoops, phrases, glisses, bends, tremolo, and harmonics. Processed boasts drones, pads, harmonics & movements.
• Powered by Photosynthesis Engine in our custom Triumph Audio engine.
• Our unique engine allows for quick creative work flow and additional expression using the modulation wheel to go between dry and curated fx and the expression fader for filters. Many patches allow quick changing of pitch via the keyboard with a great fx engine and compression.
• An ideal library for those looking for something different and unique that will sit along side your other string libraries for a creative edge and boost.
Click below to access the Ghost Cello ReadMe & Triumph EULA:
The Details:
• Ghost cello includes multiple patch folders divided into two main folders Authentic and Processed.
Patch List:
• Authentic (79 patches) : Shorts, Movements, Gliss, Bends, Harmonics.
• Processed (146 patches) : Drones, Pads, Harmonics, Movements.
● Patch List and Folders (225 Patches Total, 112 DFD, 113 TMP).
● Full Retail Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher required.
● Kontakt Player not supported.
● 24bit / 48k uncompressed wav sample files.
● Size of library: 5.59 GB.
● Sample folder is accessible for using original WAV files. No Kontakt required to access the samples!
GC Shorts - Col Leg
GC Shorts - Fast Aggressive Rips Up TRP
GC Shorts - Minor 2nd Comedy Grace Notes
GC Shorts - Pizz Fall Offs RR
GC Shorts - Ricochets MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Dbl Stop Phrase Menu TRP
GC Mvmnts - Dbl Stop Phrase PedalRoot Menu TRP
GC Mvmnts - Dbl Stop Phrase Ups Menu TRP
GC Mvmnts - Double Stop Laments Menu 1 MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Double Stop Laments Menu 2 MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Min Up&Down Scale Resolutions
GC Mvmnts - Min2nd Long Trill MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Movements MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Short Minor Motives 1 Menu TRP
GC Mvmnts - Short Minor Motives 2 Menu TRP
GC Mvmnts - SulPont Trem Cresendo MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Wispy Sul Pont m3 Trill MOD FX
GC Gliss - Gliss Down Menu TRP
GC Gliss - Gliss Rips Up Menu
GC Gliss - Gliss Rips Up VEL
GC Gliss - Sul Pont Gliss Down Menu TRR
GC Gliss - Sul Pont Gliss Up Menu
GC Gliss - Sul Pont Gliss Up MOD FX
GC Gliss - Tritone Falls MOD
GC Bends - Bendy Low Drone 1 MOD FX
GC Bends - Bendy Low Drone 2 MOD FX
GC Bends - Bendy Low Drone 3 MOD FX
GC Bends - Slow Light Bends Patch MOD FX
(*note that TMP and DFD versions are included for and available each of these patches)
GC Drones - Anticipation Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Col Leg Drone 120BPM MOD FX
GC Drones - Col Leg Drone Reverse 120BPM MOD FX
GC Drones - Col Legno Echo 120BPM MOD FX
GC Drones - Dark Lullaby Drone Double Octave MOD FX
GC Drones - Dark Lullaby Drone Low Octave MOD FX
GC Drones - Dark Lullaby Drone Upper Octave MOD FX
GC Drones - Detuned A Straight Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Dive Bomb Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Doomsdayer Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Hallway Horror Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Mello Betty Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Minor Second Low D Drones MOD FX
GC Drones - Octave Drone Light Bends MOD FX
GC Drones - See Drone MOD FX
GC Drones - Sul Pont Bendy to Trem MOD FX
GC Drones - Sul Pont Soft Bendys MOD FX
GC Drones - Wood Bowing MOD FX
GC Pads - 4th Lament MOD FX
GC Pads - 5th Lament MOD FX
GC Pads - Col Leg Tremolo Pads MOD FX
GC Pads - Col Legno Ping Pong Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Coming Up For Air MOD FX
GC Pads - Crusher MOD FX
GC Pads - Dark Dawn Rising MOD FX
GC Pads - Dark Repeats Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Dawn Rising MOD FX
GC Pads - Delta Lament MOD FX
GC Pads - Delta Landing MOD FX
GC Pads - Delta Rising Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - High Altitude Double Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - High Altitude Single Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Looper Drone MOD FX
GC Pads - Machine Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Major 2nd Pad VEL MOD FX
GC Pads - Minor 2nd Vibes Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Mystery Moment Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Perfect 5th Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Puffy Clouds Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Riccochet Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Slider Drone Pad MOD FX
GC Pads - Sliding Into 4th MOD FX
GC Pads - Sliding Into Home MOD FX
GC Pads - Soft 5ths Pad VEL MOD FX
GC Pads - Soft 9th Tremolo Pad VEL MOD FX
GC Pads - Soft Creeper MOD FX
GC Pads - Soft Major 2nd Pad VEL MOD FX
GC Pads - Sul Pont Trem Pad 1 MOD FX
GC Pads - Tremolo Trill Drone Pad MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 1 MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 1 Reverse Looped MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 1 Reverse MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 2 FX Reverse MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 2 FX Stretched MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 2 MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 2 Reverse MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 3 MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 4 Down Stretch MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 4 MOD FX
GC Hrmncs - Harm Wild 5 MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Dark Seesaw MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Ding Dong MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Dystopian Joy MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Hive Mind MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Knocking On Doors 120BPM MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Light Bend Stacks VEL MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Lurk Doomer MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Motion Sickness MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Peak Around the Corner MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Running in Circles MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Subway Pattern MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Taking the Stairs MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Wambulance MOD FX
GC Mvmnts - Wiggle Slide Pad MOD FX
(*note that TMP and DFD versions are included for and available each of these patches)
Ghost Cello - Patch Walkthrough
The Sampleist - Ghost Cello by Triumph Audio - Overview - Composing With
Ghost Cello as a Signature Sound - by Guy Michelmore
Ghost Cello In Action - Reverence by Austin Blau
Triumph Audio Engine and Sampling Process Explained
Ghost Cello Testimonials
“Ghost Cello is a breath of fresh air. We all strive to sound different, or we should, and Ghost Cello gives you the raw material to redefine your sound. Looking forward to what else Triumph Audio comes up with!”
Credits: Rocket and Groot, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heros, Iron Man Armored Adventures, 8 x Marvel animated feature films.
"Ghost Cello is an awesome way to get beautiful, disturbing, organic, and subtle textures into your scores quickly and easily. It has been indispensable to build atmosphere and tension quick on the current horror movie I'm on."
Credits: The Old Way, The Owl House, and You Might be the Killer.
“Ghost Cello is easily one of the most inspiring cello libraries that I have ever experienced. It captures a distinct vibe, that I never thought was so easily accessible, until now.”
Credits: Mechanized Assault (Composer/Sound Designer) and Dexter (Synced Music).
“Triumph Audio’s Ghost Cello is an exceptionally versatile tool, pushing the boundaries of the cello’s capabilities. Ideal for infusing signature tones and textures in any track, it perfectly balances innovation with the familiar, rich and resonant quality of the cello.”
Credits: Alexander: The Making of a God, Life on Our Planet (Additional Music), Gran Turismo (Additional Arrangements), and The Wheel of Time (Additional Arrangements).
“Kevin Manthei and the team at Triumph Audio are known for their unique, inventive sound design. Just paging through Ghost Cello’s inspiring presets has sparked about 100 new composition ideas… I’m excited to finish them! And this is no hype!!”
Credits: Batman Beyond, Young Justice, and The Killing Joke.
Customer Comments
“Perfect processed organic vibe with tons of creative unique sounds! I’ll be buying every Triumph pack indefinitely:-)🙌”
“That's a killer track, AWESOME! Ghost Cello is really a one of a kind library, pretty inspiring”
“The full spectrum of sound - from rich and vibrant, to ethereal and haunting. Well done!
“This sounds like an amazing and totally novel instrument, it’s an instrument with a great personality and the sampling quality is top-notch. The instrument is definitely versatile and sonically sound and also something expressively new.”
“Goosebumps, what an incredible library! Looking forward to this one. Right down my alley. Very tasteful choices and so many unique articulations!
“Such a cool, and interesting sounding library, with so many AWESOME effects!”
“It’s really unique and stands out, this is amazing!”
“Well thought out, inspiring, so playable, not your usual take on the cello, a wonderful engine which allows you to go wherever you want”
“I've been looking for this sound for a while! It has a sort of ethereally gritty, darkly beautiful kind of sound that reminds of some kind of eldritch wasteland”
“Sounds amazing, definitely not just another cello library”